Home Business Spotlight: Web Content Writer

Today I am going to be talking about an area of writing that I am quite familiar with, web content writing. This is a growing field, especially since many companies are utilizing websites to market their business. Content writers provide relevant information, with most of the focus on selling or endorsing that company’s products and services. My work happens to be with law firms. I not only write articles pertaining to various areas of the law (medical malpractice, personal injury, slip and fall accidents, etc.) but I also write blogs and FAQ’s. To become a web content writer you will … Continue reading

An Interview with Writer and Artist (and New Mom) M.C.A. Hogarth

M.C.A. Hogarth is a renaissance woman: artist, writer, businesswoman, and more. I knew of her first for her art, which led me to her stories, which led me to an all around amazing person. I’m happy to be able to share her with you! Aimee: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, subject matter, themes, what have you.) MCA: I like to write about encountering things that are strange and wondrous and out of your particular context. That could be meeting a unicorn in a forest… or meeting someone from a radically different country. I love learning languages, … Continue reading

Author Interview – Leigh Bale (part one) How It All Began

Our featured author today is Leigh Bale, a multiple award-winning author of inspirational romance. Leigh, thanks for joining us today. Let’s start at the beginning of your impressive career – how did you become interested in writing? I’ve been creating stories all my life. As a child, I made up plays and acted them out with friends. We advertised and charged .05 cents for admission. My mom popped corn, so we had concessions to sell. She was a really good sport. When I got older, I wrote some short stories. I’ve always been a romantic. I believe in happily ever … Continue reading

Author Review – Beverly Cleary

I’m about to start a series of reviews on Beverly Cleary’s books for children, but before I do that, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the woman herself. Beverly was born in Oregon and lived on a farm in Yamhill. The town was so small, there was no library, but her mother had books sent over from the state library so the citizens could have access to reading material. Later on, Beverly attended school in Portland, but found that her reading skills weren’t up to the level of her classmates. She wasn’t slowed down for … Continue reading

Author Interview — James Rada Jr (part three) A Few of His Favorite Things

Thanks for joining us for our third and final installment in our interview with award-winning journalist and author, James Rada. If you missed parts one or two, click here to catch up. Jim, when we left off yesterday, you were telling us about how you became interested in writing historical fiction. What’s your favorite thing about it? I like learning something new. At this point in time, I’m writing about American history so with each book or article I write, I learn something new about my country. I like seeing how things that happened in the past have impacted the … Continue reading

Author Interview — James Rada Jr: Newspapers and Novels

James Rada is an award-winning newspaper columnist and fiction novelist. I’m excited to share with all of you a recent interview I conducted with Jim, and I appreciate the time he took out of his busy schedule to talk with me. Jim, you’re a newspaper man as well as a novelist. Which came first? Neither. I was an advertising copywriter first. That’s the guy or gal who writes all the words in an ad. I graduated BYU with an advertising degree and worked for my first couple years in that field and enjoyed it. Then my wife and I decided … Continue reading

Author Review – Jane Yolen

Jane Yolen is one of the most prolific authors of historical/medieval fiction currently on the market. Her eye for detail and rich descriptions lured me in from the start, as did the indepth knowledge of history she displays. As a lover of history myself, I was hooked. Let’s learn a little more about Jane Yolen. She was born in 1939, the oldest in her Jewish family. Her father worked as a journalist for the newspapers in New York, and her mother was a social worker, holding that position only until Jane was born, and then retiring. She too was a … Continue reading

“Bullwinkle” Writer Dies

Growing up, my after school routine consisted of carefully hanging my school uniform back in the closet, eating a snack, and watching an hour of cartoons on television. My mother allowed us to watch exactly an hour of TV prior to cracking the whip and making me (and my three brothers) complete our homework. When we were younger my brothers and I didn’t agree on much, but when it came to after-school cartoons there was never an issue our one and only TV would be tuned into “The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.” Sadly, I recently learned Chris Hayward, the Emmy-winning … Continue reading