Five Resume Tips

Submitting your resume is your first opportunity to make a good impression on a prospective employer. Preparing an effective resume is your best chance to insure that you’ll be invited for an interview. Once in the door, you can show and tell the interviewer why you are the best person for the job. While you should be honest and avoid embellishing your education and work experience, there is no reason you cannot really sell yourself. Make note of your most important accomplishments, awards, or anything else that will set you apart from other job seekers. The following tips will prove … Continue reading

Resume – Education Section

After your employment history, put your educational background on your resume. Some people place their education closer to the top of the resume – before their employment history. This is fine if you have a college or university degree. However, if you just have a high school diploma and then maybe a little bit of college or a few professional courses, it is better to put this below your employment history so that the employer can see what you have accomplished after leaving high school. Education isn’t everything, so make sure that they see your work experience. Just like your … Continue reading

The Resume Heading

You wouldn’t think that something as simple as the heading on your resume would be a big deal, but it really is important. The heading of your resume is the first thing that a potential employer sees and even though it won’t get you the job, it can cause a less than favorable impression. I have seen a lot of really bad resume headings and so I believe that this part of your resume warrants some time and consideration. Here are a few things to remember when creating your resume heading: Catch Attention Your resume heading goes at the top … Continue reading