The X Factor of X Men Origins: Wolverine

Recently we caught up with X Men Origins: Wolverine starring Hugh Jackman. As the name implies it gives the background of how Wolverine. came to be what he is. It’s all about what shaped him and what turned him from a mutant with bone talons that came out of his hands to an indestructible creature with talons of steel. Basically James gets fed up with the violence and killing. He tries to walk away from Team X, the group of mutants led by Major William Stryker. He settles down as a lumberjack with the woman he loves. But he finds … Continue reading

X-Men: The Last Stand – Kid Friendly Review

Normally, at, we try to stick to PG and under films so that parents can have at least some idea that they’re not going blindly into the film we’re reviewing. However, after seeing X-Men: The Last Stand recently and witnessing the number of kids in the theatre, I felt it was only fair that we reviewed these films. After all, love of comics and comic-book based films are usually based down from the parents. So, with the blessings of, I give you a review of X3. The film follows up on the events of X2 in which Jean … Continue reading