Pitfalls of Yard Sale Shopping

Yard sales, garage sales, tag sales, whatever you call them, they are in full swing during the early summer and a lot of fun to shop. Through yard sales, you can pick up some great deals, and since you never know what you are going to find, yard sale shopping can be a real treasure hunt. You do have to be careful when shopping at yard sales. There is buyer’s remorse, of course, when you pay too much for an item or get home and realize it isn’t what you wanted. There really is no return policy. If you aren’t … Continue reading

Getting Ready to Shop Yard Sales

I am anxious to visit my first garage sales of the Spring, look through other people’s stuff and get some shopping done. I usually look for children’s clothing and small househol d items, but sometimes our hunt includes other things, such as a snowblower or particular toy wants from the kids. Since I have all of this downtime before anyone around here has the confidence of hosting a yard sale without cold or snow, I’m going to be using that time to get my yard sale list together. The list will have any wants or needs on it, including the clothing … Continue reading

Organizing Items for a Yard Sale

Even though we haven’t quite left winter yet, it is still a good time to start preparing for your yard sale. Having a yard sale can bring you in some extra income that you can use for bills, for paying off debt or for something fun like a vacation! Here are some steps that you can take to plan for a successful yard sale. Set Your Staging Area Before you get started, designate a room, part of a room, a garage, a porch or a basement to be your staging area. This is where you will sort, price and store … Continue reading

Our MultiFamily Yard Sale

Yesterday, we had a big multi-family blow out yard sale. Six different families gathered on one lawn to display our wares. It was unlike any other yard sale that I have ever done, and I learned a few things along the way. Coordinating a Multi Family Sale There are special considerations to deal with when you are trying to coordinate multiple families into your yard sale. There are a lot of positive benefits to having a multi family sale, especially if you live in a semi-rural area, such as we do. Larger sales will bring out the shoppers, and I … Continue reading

Save Money on Landscaping

The nice weather may have you looking at your yard with a critical eye. Do you need to make some improvements to your landscape? How can you do this inexpensively? Here are some ideas. Free materials All sorts of free materials can be had if you look around an ask. You can find plants, trees and bulbs through freecycle or through your neighbors. You can even ask your town if you can harvest some volunteer plants and flowers from town woods or fields. Also, check with garden centers at the end of the season. If you have a green thumb, … Continue reading

Down and Dirty Yard Sale Tips

Thinking about hosting a yard sale soon? Then you will really want to pay attention to the following tips. You’ll get the most impact for a successful and profitable yard sale if you follow this advice. Be a salesman When you are having your sale, be very friendly and outgoing. Greet anyone who comes to your sale, tell them that you are open to offers and available for help. Leave your guests alone to shop and don’t hover, but be within range in case they have questions. Offer some refreshments and a free table to draw people in and make … Continue reading

The Four Types of Mowers

What kind of shape is your mower in these days? Is it time to upgrade to a new one? The first step is to decide which type of mower to buy. There are some new options to consider. Gas Powered Mowers and Tractors Gas powered mowers and tractors are the usual type of mower we think about when we think about mowers. The loud engines that can be heard on almost any Saturday in the suburbs is what we have come to expect. This type of mower is usually the practical choice if you have a large lawn to mow, … Continue reading

Organize a Neighborhood Garage Sale

Shopping and holding garage sales can be very frugal. But when you organize your garage sale into a neighborhood or multi-family sale, your tightwad ways can really pay off. It is a great time in our country to organize a neighborhood garage sale. Many people are newly discovering frugality and living simply, which means that more people are willing to get rid of excess possessions at garage sales or pick up new purchases second hand instead of running to the store. Having a neighborhood garage sale can pay off in a number of ways. First of all, it makes the … Continue reading

Common Prices for Yard Sale Items

From furniture to toys, pricing your yard sale items properly can mean the difference between making a good amount of money and having a lot of leftover stuff. And don’t think that you can just have another yard sale later for the stuff that didn’t sell. Yard sale shoppers will remember those addresses that had high prices and are likely to avoid them. In general, here are some suggested prices for common items at a yard sale that will make them sell quickly: Books: 25 cents for paperbacks and $1 for hardcovers. Offer a bundle deal such as 5 paperbacks … Continue reading

Getting Organized for a Yard Sale

Having your own yard sale is a great way to de-clutter your home and earn a little extra spending money besides. But getting everything ready for a yard sale can be a daunting task. Here are some tips on how to get everything organized. Make a Staging Area Pick an out of the way area of your home where you can store, price and organize your yard sale inventory. Most people use the garage or a spare bedroom. Our neighbor makes use of a camper on their property. Having a place to go to drop things off as you find … Continue reading