Turning Fall Leaves into Compost

  Compost really makes sense. If you have some fall leaves just laying around (ha, ha), why not put them to work? Don’t trash or burn those leaves when you can use them to enrich your garden. You may have been following my continued ramblings about the fall leaves. First I talked about my love/hate relationship, and then I went into some of the useful things for which leaves can be used. Now, let us look at one of the most useful things of all for leaves: compost! You can have a natural bit of compost if you have leaves … Continue reading

Involving Kids in Fall Cleanup

Around our house, fall yard work is a complete family affair. Everyone is expected to do his or her part, even the youngest. While this may see like cheap labor (in fact it sometimes takes more time when kids help then when they don’t) it is actually a way of spending time together as a family while doing what needs to be done. Involving kids in fall clean up also builds valuable life skills. It can build self-confidence, a feeling of having a place in the world and being important in the family, and a sense of responsibility. Tasks such … Continue reading

My Love/Hate Relationship with the Fall Leaves

When fall first arrives, it brings great delight. The leaves change colors and descend, brightening up the yard and driveway with colors from nature, as though an artist’s brush has painted the landscape. People travel from all over to the hot fall spots (we called these tourists “leaf peepers,” when I lived in New England. (By the way, I am adamant that New England has the absolutely best display of fall leaf color. It is the combination of warm fall days and crisp cool nights that does it.) Back in my single days in Connecticut, I really looked forward to … Continue reading

Saving Money on Yardwork

Yes, it’s another post that stems from our preparing our house to sell. This time, we are looking at the back yard. I’ve always been one to save money on anything I can, but with yards, you have to keep them looking good, for fear of the complaining neighbors or zoning issues. However, the time when the yard needs to look its very best, is of course, when the house is for sale. I thought I would share with you over the course of the next several days, the easy ways we have been saving money on our yard in … Continue reading

Yard Work is Hard Work

After doing something strenuous, I’ve heard people say, “I found muscles I never knew I had.” I’m here to tell you that yard work gives that statement a whole new perspective. Ouch! I’ve been working in my yard and garden for the past several days, and I’m starting to feel my age! I have never ended up this stiff and sore from yard work or gardening in my life. Of course, my husband and I have turned into Mr. and Mrs. Super Gardener, so it’s true that we’re doing more than usual, but still… Wow! I’m sure it will be … Continue reading

Are You Ready to Work on Your Yard?

I know I’m ready! It seems like every weekend so far, I have found an excuse not to do it. Some of them were pretty good excuses too. There were some issues with weather, and then mud from all the rain we’ve had, but it’s starting to be milder now. I hope it stays this way. It was sunny and in the sixties yesterday. Despite some wind, it was a beautiful day. It’s still early this morning, but it already looks like it’s going to a nice day. If it stays like this through the weekend, I will definitely be … Continue reading

Intro to Starting a Lawn Business

If you own your home, you probably own a lawnmower. If so, put it to work making extra income. You may have to start out small, doing the work yourself with your home lawnmower. You’ll probably begin with neighbors, friends, and family members, until you can make a little money to expand a bit. After time, as your business grows, you may be able to hire some help and purchase some more efficient equipment. It does take time, and the initial profits should be invested in your lawn business. You’ll need to advertise, because there is competition in this field. … Continue reading