Loom Knitting – Fun For All Ages

I picked up the Knifty Knitter looms on a whim about a year ago. The pack of four were on sale for about seven dollars. Many years ago, I had a long loom called a Knitting Jenny. As a girl, I never did learn how to cast on and off the loom but I loved to knit on it. With regular needles I always had gaps and holes and loose threads. I�ve taught a couple of children to knit on these looms. The knitting looms make knitting very easy. All you really need to do is to wrap your yarn … Continue reading

Homemade Cat Toy

I was in the Sharper Image in San Francisco with my kids this weekend, and we saw many amazing things, like a small, round robot that goes around and vacuums your floors and then puts itself back in its own charger. My daughter wondered what the cat would think of it. We laughed about it being an expensive cat toy and moved on. The we saw…drumroll please…an expensive cat toy. Attached to a base was a springy rope with a fuzzy pouf on the end. The automated base moved the toy around in random motions so your cat could be … Continue reading