“Aging Out”: No Home for the Holidays

In this season where so many of us try to go “home for the holidays”, an often-invisible but increasingly large group of young adults literally has no home to go home to. A report released this year by the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative says that the number of children “aging out” of foster care (turning 18 before being adopted or safely reunited with family members) has increased by 41% in the last ten years. Picture a teen-ager you care about—a son or daughter, nephew or niece, neighbor, supermarket clerk, whomever. Now imagine that on his … Continue reading

CES Firesides

CES firesides are starting back up again since it is fall. The first one scheduled is on September 9, 2007. These firesides are for young adults. The speakers are selected from the leaders of the church. Sister Cheryl C Lant, who is the general Primary President, will be the speaker in September. The event will be broadcast at 6:00 MDT. These firesides provided counsel and spiritual uplift for the young adults. They are held once a month during the school year. One reason it is so important to attend these firesides is that it is a chance to gather with … Continue reading

Preparing Your Child for Adulthood

With all the different ways that you are preparing your family for possible emergencies, are you taking the time to prepare your children for life as adults? It is surprising to see the number of young adults who struggle with the basic skills that they need to survive out on their own. I am listing five of the most important. 1) Teach your child how to budget. This includes writing a budget, sticking to it, tracking where the money is going, and analyzing the results. Along with this you need to teach your children the dangers of using credit and … Continue reading

Young Adults and CES Firesides

If you have recently graduated from high school you may want to attend the CES fireside broadcast on September 10, 2006. The broadcasts will begin at 6:00 pm MDT. These broadcasts are designed for young adults age eighteen through thirty. You are welcome to attend if you are married or single. The firesides address the spiritual needs of those in the early stages of adulthood. These firesides are offered several times during the year and can usually be seen at your local building or stake center. If you are attending a church school then they will be available in a … Continue reading

Preparing Children for the Real World

Recently I started back to college to work on my Masters degree. Going back to college reminded me, sadly, of the difficulties that some have standing firm as a Christian when they go to college or enter the world for the first time. I have known of several individuals who I thought were strong in the faith prior to leaving the home, only to be drawn away by Satan’s wiles. Young adults are at a very impressionable age in their life, and they must be firmly grounded and prepared to overcome temptation and remain firm in the faith. Preparing children … Continue reading

The Advantages of Participating in Institute Classes

This is the time of year to be thinking about enrolling in an institute class. Institute is a program that teaches religious classes on campuses throughout the United States. The institute program is also available for young adults who are not currently attending college. Many areas also offer institute classes to single adults. There may be women’s institute classes available in your area. Institute classes give you the opportunity to study a gospel topic in depth with a group of people. The class topics vary from studying the Book of Mormon, Old Testament, and New Testament, to learning about temples, … Continue reading

Birthright Israel

For young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 to 26, the organization of Birthright Israel gives them the opportunity to visit Israel for free. The program is considered a combined gift from the local Jewish Federations and communities throughout the United Jewish Communities, Keren Hayesod and The Jewish Agency for Israel. What is the big deal about going to Israel? Because Judaism is such a historic culture, thousands of people visit each year. Many who visits decide to stay and make aliyah (to become an official Israeli citizen). Birthright is a 10 day program allowing individuals to explore Israel … Continue reading