An Unforgettable Wedding?

Planning a wedding, can be a joy, or a nightmare. This depends largely on the people involved and their attitude towards the eventand to the marriage. What it should do is reflect the taste and personalities of the couple whose wedding it is. That was certainly true for Kevin Heinz and Jill Petersen who not only boogied up the aisle on their wedding day but then put the video of it up on You Tube. Since then it has been viewed by millions of people. In the video the entire bridal party, including with bride and groom boogey their way.The … Continue reading

Your Marriage: Cycles and Patterns

Do things seem to run in cycles in your relationship? I’m not talking about actual cycles, like PMS for example, I’m talking about something a bit more difficult to pinpoint. Do you see patterns in your marriage, such as times when you feel that you and your spouse are really on the same page, followed by days or even weeks of feeling distant? I have noticed certain patterns or cycles in different relationships, including my own, and I think it helps to identify them. It took me a long time to figure it out, but my parents were always impatient … Continue reading