Fitness Journal – Yourself!Fitness

Okay, this is a bit weird and a different step from usual – I pulled out my copy of Yourself!Fitness for the Xbox. I used this workout ‘game’ for many months, but stopped about six or seven months ago because – well frankly I was bored with it. I’d used it for more than a year and I think I’d run out of interesting permutations and the workouts all began to feel the same. I plugged it into the Xbox and fired it up. I decided that rather than picking up from where I’d been before, I’d start over from … Continue reading

The End of an Era

As a friend recently said to me, we are living in an age where the Big Mac is now going the way of the Marlboro — McDonald’s is transforming its menu to accommodate the rising concerns with healthier lifestyles and obesity in this country. You may believe they did this before when they began offering salads in the first place and when they began offering apple slices in place French fries for happy meals. McDonald’s latest twist to match the more modern way of thinking where food and activity is concerned is their new Go Active™ Happy Meal ® for … Continue reading

YourselfFitness Review

When YourselfFitness launched more than a year ago, it represented an evolution in the gaming industry. Retailing at $49.99 it was targeted at a neglected segment of the market: women. The developers of YourselfFitness married some of the best aspects of workout videos with the Xbox gaming console, but then they took it a step further. By making the program interactive complete with fitness tests, new workout areas that open up after a period of commitment and goal setting, they provided their users with a personal trainer for an overall cost that is less than some hourly fees that personal … Continue reading