Early Morning Seminary–Keeping Up Attendance

This is the time of year when many teenagers begin to feel worn out when it comes to early morning seminary. It is the stretch of school without many breaks. Spring fever is getting ready to hit as well, which makes it hard to concentrate and sleep. So you may be facing some early morning battles with your teenagers. Here are five suggestions to help your teenager make it to the home stretch. 1) If your teenager is having an especially difficult time getting up in the mornings, you can get up with him. If you fix a nice breakfast … Continue reading

Youth Programs

The next asset in this series speaks to a child’s need for out of home activities. The Search Institute recommends that elementary age children be involved in an extra curricular activity for at least one hour per week. Teens should be involved for up to three hours per week in outside activities. For many children extra-curricular activities can be joined at school when they are available. Many children of single parent families attend an after-school daycare type of program that may help fill this need for other activities. The idea is to help children define their areas of interest and … Continue reading