Dieting Styles: Read a Book

Here is a list of the top 7 weight loss books that I recommend for anybody who is serious about losing weight: 1. Body for Life. Bill Phillips is The Man when it comes to helping people transform their bodies. He’s helped millions of Americans change their bodies and their lives with the Body-for-Life program. This book provides you with everything you need to plan meals and workouts but there is also a companion website at and several companion books. 2. Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. This book gives you everything you need to jump start the Atkins Diet, … Continue reading

Fad Diet – Cabbage Soup and The Zone Diets

The Cabbage Soup Diet Cabbage soup. I love cabbage, don’t get me wrong. But the idea of cabbage soup is not all that appealing. So what is the cabbage soup diet all about? The idea is that cabbage soup contains negligible calories, but that eating it causes a fat-burning reaction in your system. The more soup you consume, the more fat you will burn. You are encouraged to eat as much cabbage soup as you want on a daily basis. This may sound appealing. The soup is made from cabbage, onions, onion soup mix, and tomato juice and flavored with … Continue reading