Should You do a Check-up on Your Zoning?

If you followed all the rules and “best practices” before starting your home business, you did a diligent check on any zoning and licensing regulations and laws that might apply to you. If you passed the muster you could easily think that part of your business operation is behind you. Laws change, however, and zoning regulations can do. Neighborhoods are constantly being re-zoned and city regulations can change as well. It might be a good idea to do a periodic check-up on the zoning of your home and look into how any changes might affect your home business. I know, … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: Z = Zoning

I have enjoyed addressing the various concerns of public education. However, I am also excited to move on to more issues and topics. This will be my last article on the A to Z concerns of public education. Today, I am ready to address the letter Z. In this blog, I will discuss the letter Z for zoning. Zoning is the assignment of students to specific schools based on location. In some areas students have no option but to attend the school that they are zoned for attending. In other locations students have the freedom to attend other schools but … Continue reading