Last week I spent a good bit of time researching Christmas trees. I discovered that there are lots of different varieties some of which are not available in our region of the country.
I found a website the outlined the different types of trees and where they grew and then looked them up to see which kind would work best for us. I narrowed it down to three varieties: Fraser Fir, Balsam Fir, and Blue Spruce. I then contacted several local tree farms to see what varieties of Christmas trees they carried. As it turns out there are two farms nearby that grow these varieties of Christmas Trees. One of the farms boasted of having thousands of threes on thirty-five acres. The other tree farm was much small and just happened to be a few miles away from the farm were we buy our eggs (and we just happened to need eggs!). I called the farm and learned that they were already open for tagging trees which was something I was not expecting. I decided that we needed to tag our tree as soon as possible. I coordinated a time when we could go to both farms.
A few days later we headed out for our tree tagging adventures! Luckily the weather was mild, not to cold and without any forcasted precipitation, we drove the twenty-five minutes to the farm. Our party included, my husband, son, and my two youngest sisters. Once on the farm, our hunt began. At first we saw lots of scotch pines and tagged firs. It seemed that every time we spotted a good sized fir, it was already tagged. I was beginning to think that we came too late! We wandered (I probably waddled with my thirty five week pregnant belly) from tree to tree.
Finally, we found a nice looking Fraser Fir that was not tagged! It was not as big as I had envisioned, but it had good full branches and was nice height. While our son was running around the trees with my youngest sister chasing him, my husband and I tagged the tree and my second youngest sister took a picture of the tree for us as a reference for when we come back in a week or so to cut it down!