I’ve been talking how taking stock of the items in your home can really save you money. Sometimes you find things that you never knew you had. Other times you find things that solve a problem, saving you the expense of having to buy something else. Still other times finding something that you don’t need can even earn you money when you sell it.
Along with talking about taking stock of things, I have been going through various areas of the home and pointing out how taking stock can save you money.
Laundry room
Perhaps you aren’t like me, but if you are, then you might have the same situation that I do. I have shelves with various laundry detergents and stain treatments. Some were bought on sale, some at the recommendation from friends and some just because they seemed good. I found that I tend to use my favorites and then by more of these, ignoring the other products on the shelves.
But instead, I took stock and determined to use up what I already had. If I felt that a detergent didn’t work as well as another, I simply added a bit more to the wash and solved that problem. I already had the stuff, anyway, so adding a bit more wasn’t wasting it compared to never using it at all. I estimate that I got about 20 extra loads of wash in by using up that extra stock, all for free (well, I purchased it in the past, but you know what I mean). Plus, I got a lot of shelf space back that could be used for other things such as my lint collection (that is a small basket to collect the dryer lint for disposal, not that I am collecting lint as a hobby. Well, you know what I mean.)