Since Mother’s Day is tomorrow it seems like the perfect time to talk about time for yourself. The hardest thing as a single mother is to find time for yourself but it’s also one of the most important things you can do for you and your children.
Life can be overwhelming as a single mother and taking time for yourself can help to ground you and calm you down from the stress of life.
Taking time for yourself will allow you to be a better parent in the long run. Stepping back and taking a break can help put things in perspective and allow you to be more present for your children.
It’s hard to parent well if you are always rushing and feeling like you never have any down time. How many times have you rushed through a bedtime story so you could get to those few minutes alone after the kids are in bed? If you make it a habit to regularly take time for yourself then you won’t feel so inclined to rush through the kid things to get to me time.
Money is always tight so I’m not talking about anything expensive. Sometimes just letting another mom take your kids to the park with hers, and then you returning the favor at another time, is enough to let you catch your breath and focus on your children again.
My days were always consumed with Hailey’s needs so sometimes I neglected my own. Once Hailey was old enough to stay home alone for a bit I got into the habit of taking a walk every day after work. It was just an hour, but it was an hour entirely for me. No one went with me, I just walked and let my mind wander where it wanted. When I got home from those walks the evening seemed to go smoother.
Walking is just a little thing, but it gave me the break I needed, from work, home and parenting. The time alone was wonderful and I didn’t feel like I was neglecting Hailey.
If you can afford a mini vacation, all the better. Every mother knows, as wonderful as it is to get away from the kids sometimes, there is nothing like seeing their little faces when you return.