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Take Time to Serve

It is important to take time on a regular basis to serve others. This can be in small ways and sometimes in larger ways. I think that one of the biggest benefits of service is that it helps you to think beyond yourself. This is especially true if you go outside of your normal comfort circle. This last year has been a tough one for me, but as I look back at the times when I had the opportunity to serve others, I have realized how happy I was during that time. Here are some areas that you may consider serving.

1) You may consider helping out a mom with a new baby. Think beyond taking in a meal. If she has other children than offer to take the children for a day or two. If this is her first she may be struggling with staying at home by herself. She may be lonely or she just may need some time to sleep. Offer to come over for a few hours so she can sleep, get out of the house or even shower without worrying.

2) Think of someone you know who is homebound. Stopping by for a few minutes can make a world of difference. You may also offer to take out the garbage, do a few dishes or vacuum. You can really make a difference in someone’s day by letting her know how much you care about her.

3) Another area is in your community, you can serve in your local school or library. You may volunteer at a soup kitchen or in a community center. If you have the time to volunteer on a regular basis. This is a great way to really make a difference in your community. If you only have time to do something occasionally you may consider signing up for a community clean-up effort as well.

Related Articles:

Relief Society: Compassionate Service

Family Home Evening: “Service to Others”