I don’t like the word “workout.” Do you know why? Because the idea of work and fitness doesn’t mesh well. I mean, who wants fitness to be work? We work all day…whether it is in our job, as a parent, and the list goes on. The last thing you feel like adding to your plate is more work.
So how about taking the “work” out of “workout”? Sure, you can just not use that term and replace it with something else. But it still doesn’t take away the stigma often attached to fitness, that it really is nothing but work.
Many times it is our mindset that needs to change. If you go into anything believing that it is nothing more than work and you have a sense of drudgery about it, you won’t enjoy yourself.
Is exercise work? Well yes, in the broadest sense of the word it is. It takes work to move. It takes work to sacrifice other things you would rather be doing. It takes work to make something happen…whether your “something” is to lose weight, get firmer, or whatever else you have in mind.
But have you ever been in a situation that although it was unpleasant, you changed the way you viewed it? Perhaps you looked at it from a different angle or a different perspective. It is amazing how quickly a situation can change…not because the situation in itself changed but the way we chose to look at it did.
Sometimes the greatest motivation comes from within. It’s not always in the end result or even in the rewards along the way. Motivation of the mind can be very powerful and help spur you on.
Perhaps you just need to change the way you see fitness. Perhaps you need to take the “work” out of workout.
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