Clinton and Stacey are experts in fashion. Millions of viewers tune in to see what we should and should not wear. Dr. Phil is the expert on relationships and fixing our lives. It seems there’s an expert in every field, and we can tune in on a certain day or make a phone call or do an Internet search or send away for a packet filled with information that will change our lives. It doesn’t matter what we want to learn – there’s someone out there to teach it to us.
First off, I have to say, this is awesome. I can’t automatically know how to do everything I’ll be asked to do in my lifetime, and I’m glad I can turn to others who have been down that road before me and can help me avoid the pitfalls.
Second, the trick isn’t that the information will change your life – the trick is that you will take the information and make necessary changes in what you’re doing so that you are changing your life. No one can do that for you. They can give you advice and they can point you in a direction that might be more productive, but it’s all up to you as to whether you do it and what kind of diligence you give to the program.
Right now, I think it’s safe to say that we’d all like an expert to guide us through these unsettling economic times. I can’t believe how much we’re all paying for gas right now, and I wish my daughter’s class was within walking distance so I didn’t have to drive 8.8 miles per school day in order to take her and pick her back up. That really adds up. And groceries … and soap … and clothes … all the things we need for survival are creeping up in price.
But there are experts in the realm of finance. There are those who have studied the market and have ideas for what we can do to stay afloat. You can find them on television, on the Internet—all you have to do is look. And then study it out for yourself. Which experts speak a language that makes sense to you? Which advice seems like the most correct for your situation? There are a lot of experts out there, but only some that will fit with your specific needs.
So choose your expert carefully, and then follow their advice and see if it works for you. Thank goodness for guides with flashlights … now we just need to make sure their flashlights have good batteries in them.
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