Do you want to increase your income this year? Take a look at your taxes. You just may be able to get some money with the following strategies.
Amend Past Returns
One year, we found out that we hadn’t got tax credits for our youngest child. We went back and amended our tax returns from two years prior, leaving us with a nice bit of extra return. Check over your past returns to see what credits and deductions that you might have missed. Common items that are overlooked include business milage, charitable contributions, home use for business purposes, child care expenses, and charitable contributions. You can usually amend returns for up to three of the previous years.
Don’t Lend Money to the IRS
When you withhold too much money, you usually get rewarded with a big tax return. You also have been lending money to the IRS interest free. Instead of providing the government the equivalent of a tax-free loan, carefully calculate your withholding and enjoy increased cash flow. Just don’t go too low, or you could face penalties.
Itemized Charitable Contributions
It is great to donate, but if you aren’t keeping track of the value of the items that you are donating, you could be missing out on some tax savings. When donating to a charity thrift store, you should keep track of the value of these donations based on what the store would sell the items for, which is usually higher than what you might get for them at a yard sale. Visit the thrift store to research prices or go online for some guidelines.
Keep Up with New Tax Savings
Tax laws can change in a year. Keeping up with these changes, such as the fact that you might be able to claim a deduction for a non-business loan that you were not able to collect.
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