Having a diva child, I have a subscription to the Children in Film newsletter. While we don’t live in Hollywood, you never know when a local part might come up. Anyway, today’s newsletter is about the way Studio Teachers (teachers to tutor actors on set) feel about students, their education, and their parents. Here is what they have to say about homeschooling.
“the studio teachers we surveyed agreed that most child actors are up to date with their school work and are on par with their grade level. While most of the child actors they work with attend regular or public school, some are home schooled and studio teachers were split as to whether or not home schooling positively affects the children they work with. 39% of the studio teacher said child actors are positively impacted by homeschooling; 37% said that the children they work with have been negatively impacted by homeschooling and 24% either said “it varies from child to child” or chose not to respond.”
They added that
“while most parents come prepared, 16% of you come empty handed and 13% of you didn’t event know that school was required, by law.”
They did not specify whether this was a problem unique to homeschoolers or not.
Of course I took that as slight at first, but then I realized that studio teachers are in fact, teachers and teachers as a whole are split on the effectiveness of homeschooling.
It was actually a principal who told me that homeschooling might be the best option for my daughter. I have friends, and family members who are teachers and administrators who support my decision to homeschool. In fact, it is more often that someone who does not understand teaching that would give me the most problems with homeschooling. In fact, many homeschoolers I know were once classroom teachers. Read: Why teachers choose homeschool.
Still, while I feel supported by most of the teachers I know, I meet alot of resistance from many teachers in online forums. Though there are just as many who say they admire what I do.
So, are you a teacher, and if so, what side of the fence are you on?
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?