As stated in a previous article, there are three major types of student learners. It is the duty of the teacher to plan and prepare for all three types.
Teachers have much to consider when planning a lesson. At times it can be difficult to find the time or energy to address every learning type in every lesson that you plan. However, there are simple things that you can do to help reach and meet the needs of all of the learners in your class.
As we discussed earlier, auditory learners learn best by listening to others and communicating with others orally. They usually do not enjoy hands on projects or visual graphics as well as other students.
As a teacher it is important to plan lessons with these students in mind. If given too many hands-on projects or an overload of visuals, these students may not perform to their academic capability.
When thinking about the auditory learners in your classroom, remember to lecture or talk about what you are doing. When showing a picture, tell or talk about it also. If you are performing an experiment, discuss it as you carry out the steps. Be clear and precise about exactly what you are doing in each step. If the students are carrying out a project in class, give clear oral step by step directions as you go.
Use read aloud books or stories in your class. Read passages and directions often to your class. Allow students to discuss the information that you present and share their ideas in class or in small groups.
When crating assignments, consider allowing oral presentations be an option. Also allow students to debate issues that they feel are important.
These students will also gain and benefit from listening to recorded speeches or informational videos.