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Teaching Children Self Reliance

Often when we think about preparedness and self-reliance the focus turns to food storage and a financial reserve, but have you prepared your children for adulthood? Have you taught them self-reliance? These are important skills to teach your children. It is not fun for a child to go off to college and not know the basic skills to take care of their laundry or how to cook. But there are additionally skills you should teach your children as well.

One important skill that you should be teaching your children is to manage money well. You can do this in many different ways. You can have them help with the grocery shopping, but you should also sit down and teach them how to balance a checkbook before they leave home. Sitting down and helping them plan their first budget can help your child to succeed. It is important to talk about the blessings that come with paying tithing.

Another important skill that you can teach your child is basic clothing repair. Teaching your child basic sewing skills can help them to learn how to sew on a button or mend a tiny tear. These skills can save them money, as they take good care of their clothing. It can also help them have the courage to tackle bigger projects later on.

Another area you should focus on is basic car care and repair. While they may not learn how to do most repairs, everyone should know how to change a tire and check the oil. They should also learn what things to check on a regular basis, and what car noises that they should pay attention to.

These skills can increase their self-reliance. It is also important to encourage your children to develop good spiritual habits so that they can continue to strengthen their testimonies when they move out of the house. This will help them as they begin to accept the responsibilities that come with adulthood.

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