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Teaching kids about teacher danger

I hate writing about this because I don’t want people to think I am anti teacher. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I think that most teachers are wonderful teachers who would give the shirt off their backs for their students. I would know, I was raised by one. However, it is hard to ignore all of the the incidents of teachers preying on and molesting children.

Just this week, a Retired W. Pa. teacher was convicted on sex charges. A columbus Ohio teacher was caught sharing child pornograpy. Also a Florida teacht got 10 years for sex with boys.

This means that as parents we must teach our children to recognize situations with teachers that might be dangerous.

Children should know that NO-ONE, not even teachers can touch them in inappropriate ways.

Teenagers need to be aware of teachers flirting with them. Mild innocent flirting often leads to less innocent activity.

Kids should feel empowered to speak to parents or another adult if a teacher does anything that makes them uncomfortable.

Kids should also know to call parents if anyone in school does anything to upset them in any way because abuse by teachers is not relegated so molestation. Sometimes teachers are outright verabally and physically abusive.

For more information, visit helpguide.org’s site on howe to spot abuse and reprt it. This site is written to help teachers and community leaders spot abuse in the home, but we all know that abuse goes both ways.

~If you liked this you should also read my other posts at the home blog, the homeschooling blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here.

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