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Teaching Kids to Eat Healthy

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One of the best gifts we can give a child is how to eat healthy. Eating for your health is a habit that will last and benefit your child for a lifetime. The younger you begin the less resistance you will have when it comes to trading in the candy for fruit salad.

The number one way to instill healthy eating habits is by displaying healthy eating habits. Nothing will effect your child more than having her see you make proper food choices and by serving healthy foods. Even if you previously had poor eating habits, it is not too late to start. The key is consistency and a happy attitude toward healthy food.

playnormous.com is a free online community for parents, teachers and kids that makes learning about good nutrition fun. You will find kid-friendly games that help teach kids about healthy eating habits and exercise. You will also find links, resources, guides, and even ideas for a classroom.

Involving your child in grocery shopping is another way to make a concrete step toward eating healthy. Allow your child to pick out fruits and vegetables she is willing to eat. Then challenge your child to pick out a fruit and vegetable to try. Also remember, that butter and bacon are actually good for you. Using flavoring such as butter, bacon, lemon, and herbs will help make new veggies kid friendly.

To further involve your child, allow her to help prepare the food. Children are more likely to eat what they help make. It also gives your child a chance to get creative and possibly come up with a tasty way to serve healthy foods. Allow her to add a little cheese to broccoli or mash up some cauliflower. Make sure everyone in the family has a good attitude about eating healthy foods to ensure giving a new change the best shot.