As you teach the gospel in church or at home, it is important to realize that each individual is responsible to learn the gospel on his own. As teachers we can encourage our students to want to learn the gospel, but they are the ones that must decide whether or not to study on their own, and to pray about their teachings. They will decide if they will open themselves up to the Holy Ghost, and accept the teachings as true.
As teachers we can invite our students to learn the gospel. One way we can do this is to ask them help with some preparation of the lesson. We can ask them to see how the principle has blessed their lives, as they lived it. We can encourage them to participate in the discussions and challenge them to apply the concepts in their lives.
Similarly we can make turn people off from learning the gospel. If you are not prepared, the lesson may not hold their interest. Additionally many people tune out if they are being lectured. It is important that we promote a positive learning atmosphere instead of a negative one. We should keep our lessons focused on the gospel instead of wandering off on strange tangents.
One of the most important things we can do is strive to have the spirit with us as we teach. We can pray to be guided to present the right material. If you have younger students you may try rewarding your children for brining their scriptures to class. You can also discuss practical applications of the principles with their daily lives.
It is also important that you be a diligent learner of the gospel by preparing for your lessons (both those that you attend, and teach). You can teach your children to be diligent learners by simply studying the gospel in front of them. You can help to instill good study habits in them while they are young. You can also do this by having family home evening and prayer each week.
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Teaching the Gospel: Focusing on the Doctrine
Teaching the Gospel: Teaching by the Spirit