When we teach the gospel, whether it is at home or at church, it is important that we focus on teaching the doctrine. As teachers at church, it is especially important that we cover the materials outlined in the manuals. It has been written and planned on the direction of divine revelation.
As teachers it may be difficult to discuss all the points in the lesson, and so it is important to pray about the topics, which are most important to cover. The answer will come as you consider the needs of your students. It is also important that we stick to church approved resources to supplement our study and teaching of the gospel.
For example I have seen some excellent books that help with Sharing time, and some of the time the ideas and the game really help to illustrate the lesson principles. Other times it is a huge stretch, and the game is just there so that the children can play a game. It is important to teach the gospel while you can and not stray way from it to entertain instead. (Although you can make it entertaining and instructive at the same time—especially for primary children.)
It is also important to refrain from stating your own opinion as gospel fact. Generally you should stick to the points in the lesson and stay away from areas that cause speculation. When you are not teaching, you can study, pray and form opinions, on these matters, but it is best not to teach those opinions, since it may cause confusion.
Personal experiences are a good way to illustrate gospel points, but they should tie directly to the principle being taught. It is important that your personal opinions enhance the lesson, rather than detract from it. You may also have class members share personal experiences as well.
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