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Teaching Toddlers

There are so many learning opportunities for toddlers. They are just beginning to explore the world around them. They can learn a lot on their own. However, with help from their family, they can learn even more.

Teaching toddlers can be a fun and exciting experience. Playing with toys can be a learning experience for toddlers. Helping with daily chores are learning experiences for toddlers. Why shouldn’t we use the things that we do on a daily basis to help our toddlers learn?

Here are some of the ideas that I have had and implemented in order to teach my toddler:

*Teaching body parts while getting dressed. To do this, simply remember to identify body parts to your child as you dress them. I tell my son to put his hand and arm through the sleeve of his shirt. This identifies his hand, his arm, what a sleeve is and what a shirt is. That was four learning opportunities just in putting on a shirt. Follow that up with feet and legs go in shorts or pants and shoes and socks.

*Teaching left and right while walking, driving or moving items. Every time you make a left or right turn, tell your child which turn you are making. Help them by showing them their left and right hands.

*Teach your child what gender they are. My aunt was a kindergarten teacher and said she was amazed that the kids didn’t know if they were a boy or girl when she asked for only the boys to line up. Everyone in the class lined up. So, we definitely want our child to know their gender.

*Teach colors, textures and shapes while cooking. If your toddler is watching you prepare a meal or snack, use this opportunity to teach them. Oranges are orange and they are round. Bread is white and is a square. Water is wet. Dough is lumpy.

Looking for teaching opportunities in what we do with our toddlers on a daily basis will help our toddlers learn many things. We should help them to learn as much as possible. They are eager to learn and can learn more than what they can even say.

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