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Teaching Your Children to Recognize the Spirit

One of the most important things we can do to help our children is to teach them how to recognize the spirit. It can be difficult for an adult to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost, but it is important to help your children recognize these promptings. There are several things that you can do to help your children.

The most important is to talk to your children about the Holy Ghost. You can explain to them that the Holy Ghost can be felt as a warm feeling in their hearts or sometimes a thought that enters into their heads. You should emphasize the fact that generally the Holy Ghost speaks quietly, and we need to be paying attention to hear the promptings.

Another way that you can help your children is to ask them if they feel the Holy Ghost when you do. There are very spiritual moments in every home. When you have a spiritual moment and your children are with you, ask them if they feel that warm feeling, and if they do explain to them that it is the Holy Ghost. This will help them recognize the Holy Ghost on their own.

Another thing you can do is help your children learn to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. A lot of people refer to these promptings as following your gut instinct or your conscience. It is important that you respect your children when they explain that this is what they are doing. It is important that you have an open line of communication with your children for this reason.

You may want to share a few experiences when you have had a prompting from the Holy Ghost and followed it. As you do this, your children can see how the Holy Ghost works in people’s lives. When your children turn eight, you should explain to them what the gift of the Holy Ghost means.

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