As the only adult in my home we only needed one car, after all, I was the only one who could drive. As Hailey got older things started to get more complicated. There were days spent with friends and evenings at drama club. I knew that once she got a job it would be even crazier.
As soon as she turned fifteen I took her to get her learners permit. I was then very grateful for her father. I’m a nervous driver, snow, rain and other people make me crazy. I knew I was not the best person to teach her to drive, my heart might explode.
Fortunately her father had been letting her drive in parking lots for a while so she had some experience. Somehow, between drivers ed and her father, they taught her how to drive and the state of Utah gave her a license.
Once your teenager becomes a licensed driver life becomes both more and less complicated. It’s nice that now they can get themselves back and forth to school activities, their job, or to visit friends. Where is gets complicated is the vehicle issue. After the first month or so it seemed like we both needed the car the same nights, so we were juggling pick up and drop off times and whose need was more pressing.
Finally it just made sense to get a second car. I know this is not an option for everyone and we are fortunate that it was for us. The scariest thing in the world was watching my baby girl drive off that car lot in her first car.
For everything people say about teenagers, Hailey has been responsible with her car but we had lots of discussions beforehand. Children need to understand that they are behind the wheel of a weapon, that it only takes a second of distraction to change your life forever. Cell phones are a no no and seat belts are a must.
Now, Hailey is a pretty experienced driver and I find that I am home alone more than ever.