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Teens Rule if You Don’t Set Teen Rules

In recent articles I asked the questions, Are you a strict parent? and What does Strict Parenting Look Like.

In these articles I mentioned rules but was never specific. The reason is that rules that work for one family will not work for others. My lack of specificity of rules does not mean that I don’t set strict rules… not in the least. I know very well that teens will rule if they don’t have rules. In other words, you can set rules for your teens, or you can lose all control of your home.

If you don’t know where to start when setting rules for your teens, you can check out this home rules contract found at teenswithproblems.com. “A Home Rules Contract will teach teens that there are consequences to breaking rules, the knowledge of which hopefully will transfer in the teen’s mind to school rules as well as the legal system.” This contract not only helps you to set rules, but also helps you to define consequences should those rules not be obeyed. Like JoJo, the Supernanny, and the naughty chair concept the teen will know that if they choose to not follow the rules, they can expect to be put in the proverbial corner for a set period of time.

Are you still waiting for me to tell you what rules to set? Well, I can’t do that. Still, here are some items that you will definitely want on your home rules contract.

Bed time: Yes, teens should have bed times too… they have to learn to regulate their bodies so they can function during the day.

Going out: They should ask permission before going out, 24 to 48 hours in advance. They should not plan to go out every night. They should also have curfews for weekdays and weekends.

Cleaning: Don’t be your teenagers maid… but don’t expect them to be yours either. Choose a fair amount of housework and yard work that will help the home run smoothly without overburdening the teen.

Media and telephone use: Cellphone, computer, and television use should have a cut off time. No one should call in after the first person in the home has gone to bed so as to not wake them up. Teens should also not be calling out after 9 or 10 O’clock. Kids should follow appropriate rating guidelines as set by parents when watching TV or playing video games.

Grades: They should be making their best effort and their grades or grade improvement should represent that effort.

Respect: Teens should respect each other, themselves, and their elders. This includes appropriate dress, the way they speak to others, and abuse of themselves and others.

These are my rules for teens that I think are fair and reasonable… what are yours?

~If you liked this you should also read my other posts at the home blog, the homeschooling blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here.

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