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Teens Turning Green

Sometimes I think all the young people of today think about is cell phones, video games, and iPods, then I read about an organization like Teens Turning Green and I have renewed hope for the future.

Teens Turning Green is a student-run organization that helps other teens go green. That is, not just become more aware of environmental issues, but also green up their own lives by living a healthier lifestyle.

Teens Turning Green began in 2005 when Judi Shils and her then 13-year-old daughter Erin Schrode got together with 80 other teens concerned about how chemicals could be harming their lives. Each Sunday, the group would meet and eventually formed Teens Turning Green.

The organization has three different programs. The Lifestyles program is geared towards making teens more aware of their exposure to harmful chemicals as well as being more sustainable through educations events and advocacy actions. The Schools program is similar, but it takes on environmental risks that may be found at some schools. It also promotes healthier, greener alternatives (think school lunches). Finally, the Communities program spreads the word through the community.

While Teens Turning Green obviously targets high school and college age students, participants also interact with teachers from elementary schools, politicians, school cooks, and parents. Through the program, all can learn the benefits of living a more eco-friendly life, reduce their carbon footprint, and help others learn to be more green.

Teens Going Green recently announced its Project Green Challenge 2012. This global call to high school and college students to raise awareness was met by 2,400 participants from 436 campuses, in 49 states, and 32 countries. Through the month of October, Project Green Challenge emails participants early each morning with a challenge for the day. It may be a challenge to reduce chemicals in your daily beauty routine or recycling to prevent waste. For each day a participant meets the challenge, they receive points and can win prizes.

As a mom of an eight-year-old, I appreciate organizations that try to help young people live a healthier lifestyle. As Erin Schrode once said, “Impossible is nothing. Inspiration is everything. We dream and do.”

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About Libby Pelham

I have always loved to write and Families.com gives me the opportunity to share my passion for writing with others. I work full-time as a web developer at UTHSC and most of my other time is spent with my son (born 2004). I love everything pop culture, but also enjoy writing about green living (it has opened my eyes to many things!) and health (got to worry about that as you get older!).