So my husband just found out that we were approved for placement with 2 little brothers. They were 14 months and 3 years old and they were very soon going to be ours. When I picked up my jaw and hung up with my sister he went into all the other information about how our lives was going to change in just 3 days. We had 2 days to get car seats, diapers, clothes, sippy cups basically everything except toys we even had to go buy beds. It is really hard planning for a placement when it happens that fast because you cannot put a 3 year old in a crib and you cannot put a 14 month old in a twin bed.
After the shock wore off we began the calling of family and friends to let everyone know that we had been approved and that in just a few days we would be coming home with our two sons. Most people were shocked because after we did not get the first two kids we did not tell too many people that we were put in for any more. Heck when we were put in for these two we did not want to see pictures, know their names or anything about them until we had been approved for them. When we started calling everyone we knew their names and ages but that is it.
We went to work the next day to tell our bosses that we were going to be out for two weeks starting on the coming Monday. Luckily for us we already found a day care, and saved our vacation time for the year. We had done some research which I forgot to mention before that we adopted we had tried to see if our employers offered adoption leave. My husband is a federal employee and my husband was able to get advanced leave to cover the two weeks off that we took but for my job I had to use my vacation time. If you are starting on the adoption path be sure to check with your employer and see if they offer adoption leave. If they offer maternity you may be able to get them to cover adoption time also.
Read more about our story: