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Ten Months Old Part II

In my daughter’s short ten months she has become accustomed to her brother’s antics. For the most part she gets along really well with her brother and loves to watch him dance and play guitar (she actually finds it hilarious and goes into giggling fits). She has also developed her own love of music and she even has her own dance moves to songs that she recognizes and likes. While she genuinely enjoys all different kinds of music, she is a particular fan of playing children’s songs on the guitar with her daddy. Her favorite song is called “Yellow Bus.” Once her daddy strums the first cords she immediately stops what she is doing and speed crawls over to her daddy and excitedly hits the guitar while daddy plays and sings the song for her (her brother even helps by playing the drums).

In addition to her musical skills, she has also taken to walking now that she is ten months old. Even though she officially took her first steps at nine months, her steps are more deliberate and focused. While she still needs to gain better balance, she has managed to take several steps, five to eight in my estimation, carrying rather large and awkward objects like an empty bulk herb box. She also really likes to walk longer distances by holding on to someone’s hands (usually mommy, daddy, or big brother) without any balancing issues. She has also taken to putting her hands on my legs to balance herself while I am in the kitchen cooking or cleaning. If I move, she moves. She walked liked this all the way to the front door on one occasion because she did not want to sit down.

At ten months her awareness and observation has increased (no surprise there). She has learned, however, that there are certain things that she should not do like pull the wipes out of the package or empty my purse or play with the paper lamp. When I catch her doing these things, she looks up at me with an impish grin as if to say, “I know I am not supposed to do this but I am going to do it anyway!” She certainly has a mind of her own which is a very good thing!