Some of the following tips may seem as obvious and unnecessary as one I found in old driver’s manual about not sleeping on the railroad tracks, but you would be surprised how many people forget their manners. Such action can knock the best of us a few rungs off the social ladder not to mention the “invite again list” of the harried host or hostess. Consider the following and then…don’t!
1. Do not neglect to show up.
A host or hostess will always remember that you didn’t care enough to come through.
2. Always dress appropriately.
Low-cut latex at church weddings and grungy jeans at a formal bash don’t cut the mustard, so to speak, and are sure-fire ways to insure that you won’t be invited again.
3. Do not hog the conversation.
If you only talk about yourself, within a little while you will surely be talking only to yourself.
4. Don’t be a pig even though the four-legged kind are always fine.
A host or hostess is sure to notice if you attack the buffet table like the shark in the movie, “Jaws.” A healthy appetite is fine, but don’t go overboard like those poor people in the above-mentioned movie.
5. Don’t drink too much.
No one likes to listen to the maudlin triumphs and disasters of a dinner guest who has had six too many. Tell yourself you can have another one at home and spare your company. They will thank you for it after your hangover wears off or maybe even sooner.
6. Don’t brag or show off.
No one likes a know-it-all or really cares about your medals and such. Stick with universal topics.
7. Do not gossip about others at the party, especially the host.
This is simply not good form. Save your saucy stories for your own private phone line and an ear range that does not include someone else’s house.
8. Don’t be a litterbug.
Never leave litter in someone else’s home. Even if you do it in your home, (which you shouldn’t), it’s not okay…ever!
9. Don’t stay beyond the agreed upon time unless the host has written you an invitation in 14 carat gold ink!
10. Do not EVER forget to say ‘thank you’ to your host.
If this isn’t self-explanatory, you need more help than I thought!
Any tips YOU would like to share?
Related Reading:,t36833
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