Are you always searching for your leads or notes? Do you forget great ideas?
Here are ten tips to help you stay more organized:
10. Remember, alphabetical filing is not always the best option, especially for creative people. You may need to create your own system that helps you remember where to look for things.
9. If you keep hard copy files, try using color coordinated folders when you file things. Blue might be for characters for your novel while red might be clippings or thoughts you plan to use to create fillers for magazines. Use a different color for each type of item, so you can find your notes at a glance.
8. Prioritize your items. If you are using history books for background information for your novel, these should be nearest your desk. Your dictionary and thesaurus should also be handy (or you can find software for your computer). When you file, place the highest priority files in the front where they will be the most accessible.
7. Many writers keep folders on the computer. This is a simple, handy way to store your notes, especially if you hate to file. Create separate folders within main folders to organize leads, writing assignments, notes, or work that has been/needs to be submitted.
6. Make sure you back up computer files regularly so you won’t lose your work if you have computer problems.
5. If pictures tend to inspire you, remove pages from magazines and keep only the pages you need. File them in folders or scan them to your computer.
4. Go through your files (hardcopy and computer files) from time to time discarding this you no longer need. You’ll not only get rid of clutter, but you may also come across something you forgot about, which could inspire an idea.
3. Be careful with abbreviations and avoid using your own personal shorthand when making notes. What seems obvious now may be difficult to decipher later. Write your thoughts out in complete words and sentences, or use only standard abbreviations.
2. Write down any sources immediately. You may forget which book you used or waste time later attempting to locate bibliographical information. It is actually simpler and more efficient to do it right away.
1. Always write down or record your ideas. No matter how great the idea is, or how much you are inspired, you may later forget the idea completely. It only takes a moment to make a record of it, and you’ll be glad you did.