If you are looking for some good ways to eat right and not necessarily diet then here are ten simple steps toward a healthier you. You will most likely lose weight following these tips depending on how well you follow them, but you will definitely be healthier.
1. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. Even a light meal is better than no meal at all, as this will keep your metabolism running.
2. Cut calories to about 1200 to 1400 calories a day.
3. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
4. Keep breads to a minimum. Cut back to just a few times a week.
5. Exercise three to four times a week for about 30 minutes. You will look and feel better, more energized.
6. Get your sleep! A study done says that people who are thinner sleep the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
7. Eat a salad every day. A study done on this states that people who eat a salad every day felt satisfied with less.
8. Treat yourself once a week to some food that you really want. It does not matter what it is just keep the portion on the small size. Denying yourself of the things that you are craving will most likely make you lose it and totally binge out of control.
9. Keep your stress level to a minimum. Make sure that you are giving yourself downtime when you need to.
10. Pamper yourself once a week with a total makeover. Take a long, warm, bubble bath, do your nails, your hair, and your make-up. Now put something really pretty on. You will feel better for sure!
Losing weight and getting healthier is not necessarily all about numbers. You need to take care of the “whole” you, body AND mind. When you do this the energy and morale boost does incredible things to how you look and feel and it will motivate you toward your continuing goals.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.