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Ten Tips to Save a Bit Extra

This may sound like a New Year resolution list, but actually it is the little things I’m going to do so I can save a bit extra money and stretch it really far.

My goal is to pay off our debt and still have fun doing it!

  • 1. I’m going to cook at home more – starting with celery, onions and garlic I can add ingredients for home made spaghetti sauce, soups or Mexican dishes – for the whole week! It doesn’t take too much extra planning if I just think about it before I hit the grocery store.
  • 2. Hit the sales. Forget buying Halibut because I feel like Halibut, I will watch the sales and freeze what I can’t eat within a day. I’m not a big coupon shopper – I’ve found it too much trouble, but I’ll at least watch what goes on sale in the newspaper and plan my menus around it. Yea I know this is a standard and simple housekeep technique, but I’m just catching up and trying it out now.
  • 3. Run all my errands in one go so I’m not running all over town on different days of the week. – This became a necessity when gasoline prices went way up, and I’ll just keep being strict on myself.
  • 4. Take advantage of my yearly Zoo pass – and enjoy it year round – rather than other expensive toddler activities.
  • 5. Did you know the library rents DVD and VHS movies for FREE? I can get online and put holds on everything from new releases to golden oldies.
  • 6. If I lose ten pounds, I’ll have a whole new wardrobe. Sigh. Yes, my closet is full of clothes ill fitting. Enough said.
  • 7. Enjoy lunches out – maybe even with a babysitter instead of dinners out. Hubby and I still need a bit of quiet romantic time but who says it needs to be at night? Lunch out is much less expensive than dinner out – and still just as good!
  • 8. Stop shopping the thrift stores. Yes I know that sounds crazy but once I start I just spend and spend and spend. Those twenty dollar used bargains sure add up!
  • 9. Trade babysitting instead of paying. I do this anyway but it seems like a great tip.
  • 10. Put a bit more away each month toward my debt reduction so I can see the results faster – this keeps me motivated and encourages me to spend even less each week.

What are your tips? I would love to hear them!

More reading:

Rediscovering the Library

Loves and Hates around budgeting

Setting up a realistic budget