When I decided to get pregnant the second time around, I was so excited. With my first pregnancy, it took 4 months before we got pregnant, but the second time, it took one shot. Yes, one!! We are very fortunate to not have had any issues with trying to conceive up to this point in our lives. So many of our friends and family do, so we do not take it for granted.
But, I have a little problem. I’m obsessed with taking pregnancy tests! I have always been very regular with my periods. Before the birth of my second, I was like clockwork. Every 28 days, and I was having my period. Now, I am a little more irregular. This worries me when I think about trying to have a third. Not too long ago, I missed my period. This had never happened to me in all my years of having it! I started panicking that I was pregnant. And, at the time, we weren’t ready to have a third yet. So, I took a pregnancy test like every day until I finally got my period two weeks late. I was relieved, but a little sad too. Part of me wanted those tests to come up positive! And, let’s not even mention that it was expensive taking all those tests.
Patience is the hardest part for me when I’m trying to conceive, and I don’t think I’m alone. When you finally make the decision to get pregnant, you want it to happen…well, NOW! When I got pregnant with my second, I just knew from my early symptoms that I was pregnant. I took a test 3 days before my missed period, and it was positive.
However, if you obsess too much about taking tests early, it may lead to disappointment. This has happened to me also. You convince yourself that the reason you are getting a negative is because it is just too early, but in reality, you eventually start your period, and you feel sad.
My best piece of advice, that I have a hard time following myself, is to try and wait until you have actually missed your period. Then, you are not setting yourself up for disappointment. And, you will have a definite answer at that point that you are or are not pregnant!