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Thank You American Veterans!

There simply aren’t enough words or strong enough words to show our appreciation for those of you whom have made incredible sacrifices out of love for and devotion to this country. You fought to defend our freedom and have done far more than swear your allegiance; you have literally put your lives on the line. Many have given their lives or suffered in untold ways, so that we could live soundly and safely in our homes. We will never forget what you have done for us; we honor you now and always.

Veterans Day Veterans Awareness WeekThis week, November 5 – 11, 2006, is National Veterans Awareness Week, ending on Veteran’s Day, as proclaimed by President Bush on October 31. While one day or even one week can never begin to express our gratitude, we set aside this time to remember your service, to recognize your courage, and to honor you with deep respect and admiration.

Let each American also take a moment to think of or pray for those who currently fight to defend the freedoms you have secured for us. God bless each man and each woman now wearing the uniform as well as each one who has worn it before them. Bless each of their families.

In his proclamation, the president said, “I encourage all Americans to recognize the valor and sacrifice of our veterans through ceremonies and prayers.” He went on to call upon all local, state, and federal officials to fly the flag and participate and offer recognition through all appropriate means. To read the full proclamation, please visit the United States Department of Veterans Affairs: Presidential Proclamation.

The valor and sacrifice of all Veterans and all the troops currently serving can never be honored enough. We are so very proud of every one of you, and we hope you will accept our humble thanks.