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Thanksgiving: A Good Reminder

I love Thanksgiving! It is one of my favorite times of year. I enjoy the fellowship with friends and family, the food, as well as the time to reflect on how blessed I have been in my life. While I certainly do not celebrate Thanksgiving as any sort of religious holiday, it certainly can be that “friendly reminder” to Christians to be thankful for all of God’s rich blessings. Christians have even more to be thankful for than the rest of the world because we have received blessings from God. I want to use this blog as a reminder to Christians (myself included) for just a few of the blessings Christians have to be thankful for because they are Christians. I also want to remind myself about the importance of always being thankful to God for the many blessings I have, not just during this time of year.

  • Salvation. This is the first thing I thought about as I was writing this blog. Christians should always be thankful for the salvation they have through Christ’s blood.
  • The Word of God. God truly blessed the world with His Word, and by reading God’s Word one can be renewed. While non-Christians could also read God’s Word, it does not hold the same preciousness as to those who have obeyed the Word of God and become Christians.
  • Christ’s death on the cross. Christ’s death on the cross was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. Faithful Christians can spend eternity with God in heaven because of Christ’s death on the cross.
  • The church. The church is the kingdom of God comprised of Christian men and women. The church is a wonderful blessing that I often think is overlooked. I know that I sometimes forget to be thankful for the church founded by Jesus Christ.

What are some other things (and I know there are many) that Christians should be thankful for always?