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Thanksgiving Love Stories: The Truest Match of All

This morning I saw a story on the news that inspired me to try something different this week in the Marriage Blog. Instead of just focusing on reasons to be thankful for the love in our lives come Thanksgiving Day, why not stretch it out all week?

After all, with such tough economic times upon us and news of doom and gloom regularly bombarding us, it’s perhaps the perfect time to spend as much time as possible focusing on the positive and remembering all the blessings we do have to be grateful for.

The Kidney Donor

The story I heard today that sparked my Thanksgiving Week of Gratitude campaign was one of a young engaged couple from Massachusetts. They haven’t yet exchanged vows, but they’re already taking the “in sickness and in health” part to heart.

Matthew House started developing kidney failure problems in 2006 after complications with pneumonia. Rather than see him suffer through dialysis four times a week, with the chance of possibly losing him altogether, his fiancee, Elizabeth Kelly, decided to donate one of hers to him.

Except it’s not as easy as all that. Doctors warned chances were slim she’d even be a match.

Ah, those silly doctors. They underestimated the power of a pea pod mate bond. Of course Elizabeth proved to be a match.

The story I saw showed them post-surgery lying side-by-side on separate hospital beds holding hands. So far so good for them. His body is adjusting to her gift, and her body is healing from giving it to him.

Counting Their Blessings

Kind of like how it’s easier to see where someone’s life is going wrong from an outsider’s point of view, so is it easier to see how much they have to be grateful for. Take Matthew House and Elizabeth Kelly for example:

  1. She was willing to donate her kidney to him in the first place.
  2. She was a match.
  3. The operation was a success.
  4. He’ll have a chance to resume a healthy life again.
  5. They live during a time when it’s possible for such miracles as organ transplants to even be performed.
  6. They’ll be able to get married next year after all.

Yep, they’ll have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving for sure.

Courtney Mroch writes about animals great and small in Pets and the harmony and strife that encompasses married life in Marriage. For a full listing of her articles click here.

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