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Thanksgiving: Plan Out Your Eating

Thanksgiving is just a few days away. If you are like most people you are thinking about your plans. If you are going to someone else’s house for Thanksgiving, you are likely thinking about your travel plans or what dish you are going to bring.

If you are hosting it’s likely the biggest thing on your mind right now is the menu. You have a list of items to get from the grocery store and you wonder if you will ever accomplish everything you have to do in order to get ready for Thanksgiving.

We do a lot of planning for Thanksgiving. But do we plan how much we will eat? Do we think ahead of time how we can make Thanksgiving enjoyable yet not completely fall off the wagon?

In all of your planning, don’t forget to plan ahead of time how you will handle your eating. In reality, fitness doesn’t take a day off. We would like to think that it does or should. However to mess up everything you have worked for in just one day really doesn’t make sense.

You may not be able to plan ahead of time exactly what you will eat but you can plan out how many calories you will allow yourself to eat. Speaking of calories, I have to share this neat tool I recently found out about. It’s a calorie counter and it’s great because you can search for any food and it will bring up its nutritional information. This is just an extra helpful tip I thought I would throw in.

However, we really should be planning how we are going to handle our Thanksgiving meal. We can plan ahead of time to make sure that we eat until we are satisfied. Decide now that you will not eat to the point where you have to unbutton your pants. Decide now that no matter how many desserts you have to choose from, you only take one slice of one kind of dessert.

These are just a couple of suggestions. I’m sure you can think of your own ways to plan ahead. Hopefully this just gets you thinking. Thanksgiving is definitely a time to enjoy your food but don’t let it sabotage what you have worked so hard for.

Related Articles:

How to Set Weight Loss Goals

The Benefits of a Food Journal

What Do Your Portion Sizes Look Like?

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.