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Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and many of us are looking forward to getting together with our families to celebrate. As with all holidays, there had to be a “First Thanksgiving” from which all of our modern-day festivities originated. Exactly when and where this happened is a matter of debate, but many Americans believe that it happened in 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The celebration was similar to harvest celebrations that were common in Europe around the time when the Pilgrims came to America. The first Thanksgiving was very meaningful, for the Pilgrims had much to be thankful for – not only had they built themselves a new life in America, they had a bountiful harvest that year and had recently made peace with their Native American neighbors, whom they invited to share in the festivities.

The methods for preparing Thanksgiving dinner have diversified since the Pilgrims and the Native Americans sat down to a dinner of deer, corn, shellfish, roasted meat, and cranberries. For one thing, we have silverware, as well as modern ovens and stoves to prepare our meals with. Also, a turkey dinner may take many different forms depending upon where you sit down to eat it. Hawaiians rub theirs with coffee, many Southerners deep fry theirs, and although it originated in Louisiana, turducken has become popular far beyond the Deep South. In addition to the main course, there is an endless variety of side dishes and desserts that make each family’s Thanksgiving table unique.

Since that First Thanksgiving, many other things besides turkey have come to be included in the way that we celebrate the holiday. Football has been a Thanksgiving tradition for many families since the first intercollegiate football championship in 1876. Macy’s began their New York City Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924, and it is a very popular event both live, and on television. One of the best things about Thanksgiving (besides the pies) is that it does not really matter what your family does for the holiday, as long as they get together. When families gather, relationships are strengthened and family history is both preserved and created as relatives talk amongst themselves about their past, present, and future.