The 3 Day Diet is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Cleveland Clinic diet. Considered a fad diet as there is no proof it works as magically as its claim. Supposedly the combination of the foods in the diet causes a metabolic change to boost your body into high gear and burn fat. One is supposed to follow the eating plan exactly making no deviations. It is then followed up by four days of eating regularly and then the diet is repeated once again.
The problem arises when the plan only allows for about 1,000 calories a day. Instead of boosting metabolism it will slow it down. A dieter will also begin to crave and binge once the diet is over if he lasts at all. The weight loss associated with this diet is mostly water weight which will easily be gained once you go back to your normal eating. Any diet which causes you to revert back will have short lived results. A diet should cause real weight loss and change in lifestyle.
The 3 Day Diet meal plan:
Day 1
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream
Day 2
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast
1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers
2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
Day 3
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast
1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
In addition to its strict daily food prescription, dieters drink 4 cups of water or noncaloric drinks daily.
Crazy Diets: The Chocolate Diet
Crazy Diets: The Baby Food Diet