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The Alice in Bibleland Series – Alice Joyce Davidson

Author Alice Joyce Davidson tells us of Alice, a little girl who owns her own copy of the Bible. She loves to sit down and read stories from its pages, and as she does so, she is able to walk into the book and watch firsthand the things that are taking place. Each of her adventures is told in rhyme, and each of them concludes at the end with a summary of what Alice learned from that Bible story.

alice1 The language of the Bible can be confusing for children. When a book is hard to understand, the child doesn’t want to spend time trying to figure it out. alice2 I appreciate the Alice books for the reason that they put the Bible story into a format that my children can assimilate, and when we read the actual story from the Bible later on, they’ve gained some familiarity with the story, making it less daunting.

In “The Story of Exodus,” we read:

Moses lifted up his arms.
God caused the sea to part.
The Israelites crossed safely,
Each with a thankful heart.

The Pharaoh’s army followed.
When they were half-way crossed,
God caused the sea to fill again,
And all their lives were lost.

The crossing of the sea neatly described in two verses –I think the makers of “The Ten Commandments” could take a lesson from that. But I digress.

The concluding verses read:

Alice thought: “I learned a lot
Today in Bibleland.
There is no power great enough
To stop what God has planned.

And those who follow in His way
And practice what is right,
Will know they are protected
By His holy, awesome might!”

The book ends with a message of hope and peace for the child, reinforcing in their minds that God is a loving Heavenly Father who always has their best interest at heart.

There is an Alice in Bibleland book for every major story in the Bible, and the series includes a volume called “Prayers and Graces” as well.

(These books are published by the C. R. Gibson Company, distributed by Grolier Enterprises and are illustrated by Victoria Marshall.)