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The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet game is a perfectly fun way to pass the time and hone our kid’s alphabet, attention and memory skills. The game involves the repeating of the phrase: “I am going on vacation and I am bringing…”

This past summer, you could hear this game played each night in Maine by our campfire along side our older niece and nephew, with hilarious results. Back then we modified the beginning of the text to: “I am going to a lake house in Maine…” and “I am riding on a Moose…” You and your family should certainly change it up to be applicable to your locale, destination or interests.

This is a simple and fun game to play with kids and adults of almost any age. Here are the basic tenants you will want to follow:

1) Players must announce one item (food, animal, or anything really) that they will bring with them on their trip, moose, etc.
2) The first person uses the letter A.
3) The second player must use the letter B, and so on.
4) The challenging part of this game is that each player must run through the entire list on every turn. This challenges everyone’s vocabulary and memory (not just the little ones!). When you get to the second half of the alphabet it gets rather dicey trying to recall what item starting with F or G is coming along on holiday.

Here is an example of how things could proceed in a game with three players:
Player 1: I am going on vacation and brining an Apple.
Player 2: I am going on vacation and brining an Apple and a Butterfly.
Player 3: I am going on vacation and brining an Apple, a Butterfly and a Chalkboard.
Player 1: I am going on vacation and brining an Apple, a Butterfly, a Chalkboard and a Diaper.
And so on…

You see how it works? Imagine getting to Q, R, S and T and recalling what B or C letter word/item is coming along on vacation. The Alphabet game is very fun and challenging!

Another, slightly different variation of this game is to tie each letter/item together. For example, if the first player again says Apple, but now the next in line must come up with a B-word that is related to an Apple. If that next player opts for Banana (sticking with the fruit theme) the following player now needs a C-word that relates to Banana (Central America – the source of some Bananas would be interesting). You may have been thinking another fruit related food item for the letter C, but getting away from the expected can take this version of the game down funny and more difficult paths. This can be made harder, easier or themed depending on what you start with, for example Appendix may cause the entire game to be played with body-part words or words relating to books/literature.

Not only is this a great vacation game, but also an ideal diversion on those blustery winter days when you are staying inside the home for longer stretches of time.