That fragrant little leaf that is such a delicious addition to soups and sauces is a powerful natural infection fighter!
Originally, basil comes from India. Mediterranean folks have used the plant for thousands of years in both cooking and medicine. Just the scent of basil has a positive effect all over your body!
Let’s start at the top, with your brain. In the sixteenth century, basil was used as an antidepressant. The scent of basil can help your brain overcome fatigue and negativity. Basil is also good for stimulating memory, just like rosemary or ginkgo biloba. The sharp scent increases circulation, and blood moving around the brain is a good thing.
How about the head? Sniffing basil (or something scented with basil essential oil) can help relieve a headache and clear stuffy nasal passages by improving circulation. Add a few drops of basil essential oil to boiling water and inhale the steam. You can also boil the dried leaves for the same effect.
And don’t forget the stomach. The scent of basil stimulates your stomach to produce digestive juices, so it can help ease the overfullness of indigestion or the churning of nausea. The next time your stomach is upset, head to the kitchen before you head to the medicine cabinet. Take a whiff of basil and let your stomach clear things up naturally.
Have sore muscles? Use basil in a muscle rub to help increase circulation.
Basil really is a wonder plant. The essential oil has antiviral and antifungal abilities, and is a great choice if you are trying to fight off a cold or the flu. Basil has the same nose-clearing ability as the stronger scented eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils, and may be a good alternative if the stronger scents make your eyes water.
One last use for basil… folk wisdom says that the scent of basil can help keep nightmares at bay. Dry some leaves and put them in a little mesh or cloth bag. Tuck the bag into your pillowcase and the warmth of your head will help the leaves release their scent all night long. This may be a good remedy for a child experiencing bad dreams — the thought of having some sort of dream protection may help them stop having the bad dreams.