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The Architect / Designing Personality Type

The “Architect / Designing” Personality Type, or the INTP personality type, describes a person who is an Introvert (I), who perceives the world through their Intuition (N), who relies on Thinking (T) to problem solve and make decisions, and who views the world from the vantage point of being open to Perceiving (P), ideas that are brand new to them, and different from their own.

If you are an introvert, it means that you are more comfortable focusing on your own inner thoughts and ideas than you are with interacting with a room full of people, especially if you do not know those people very well. You like to use your intuition to give you information that goes beyond the facts of a given situation, and you like to use logic and consistency to help you solve the problems that you face. You view the outside world by identifying ideas that are new and different to your own, and you are open to hearing about and considering those new ideas.

The parenting style of a person with an ISTP personality is one that emphasizes a love of learning. You are someone who is very intellectually curious, and you enjoy the process involved with learning new things. You are an avid reader, and your child learns from your example that books are interesting. You spend time reading to your children, and lean towards books that explain and teach facts, or that otherwise provide an example for your children to learn from. You enjoy taking your child to the zoo and the museum, which are great places to learn from, but you also can turn a trip to the grocery store into a learning experience. When your child asks you why the sky is blue, you are prepared to answer his question with a detailed, scientifically based, response. Follow up questions are welcomed and encouraged, and you speak to your child with the respect that you would show a peer. You give your child the freedom to learn how to do things for himself, as you stand by, and provide the encouragement he needs in order to try something new, as well as to succeed at it.

A child who has an ISTP parent grows to enjoy learning new things. He feels very respected by his parent, and, in return, is respectful of that parent. He becomes very comfortable with asking questions that are designed to help him understand how something works, or why something is a certain way, and is not afraid to ask more questions for further information. This child becomes comfortable with and confident about speaking with adults. He has had the time to explore his world, in his own way, and continues to do so. He feels secure about trying new things, due to the encouragement he received from his ISTP parent. This child is very likely to become avid a reader, just like his parent is, and may start selecting books that can teach him more about whatever subject he is currently exploring.

If your child has an ISTP personality, he will grow up and seek out a career that provides a constant challenge to him. He enjoys using his thinking skills in order to problem solve, and will quickly grow bored in employment situations that involve doing the same thing, the same way, all the time. This adult will become a Strategic Planner, a Lawyer, or a Computer Programer who writes code. It’s also possible that this adult will choose to become a Writer, of non-fiction subject matter.