Formerly known as the Spotted Mist, these cats were developed in Sydney, Australia from a combination of more than thirty foundation cats, including Burmese, Abyssinian and Domestic shorthairs. The breed is the brainchild of Dr. Trude Straede (Nintu Cattery) and was developed over a period of nine years beginning in 1977. The breed was first recognized for champion status in the 1980s and the name “Australian Mist” was officially accepted in 1998. These lively and lovable house cats have inherited the best of all their sires; having the people-loving temperament of the Burmese, the intelligence and agility of the Abyssinian and the health and vitality of the Domestic shorthair.
These cats are known to be very relaxed and laid-back. They love to sit in laps and don’t wait to be invited to crawl into any one that happens to be available. When people are around they are always about; watching, waiting and ready to play. Australian Mists are very devoted to their masters and do not possess the independent streak usually found in cats. They are ideal companions for children and other pets as they love to play and integrate well with anything and anyone non aggressive. Very tolerant of being handled and disinclined to scratch, they are considered to be wholly indoor pets.
The Australian Mist is a moderately sized cat with a rounded head, large expressive green eyes and big ears. The coat is short and the tail densely furred. They come in many colors including warm brown, blue, chocolate, lilac, gold and peach and the pattern is of delicate spots or intricate marbled swirls against a misty background. The nose and chin are very broad.
Do YOU own an Australian Mist cat? Please share your experiences.