Some days being a single-parent can be exhausting, ok let’s face it most days it is beyond exhausting. Instead of doing the regular motherly duties, you’re taking on the role of both parents. There’s no one there to give you a break when you’re on the verge of pulling out every last hair on your head, if you’re sick, you have to come into work anyway, if you have a splitting headache and you can barely see straight you’ve got to pick yourself up and do it anyways because your kids are depending on you to take care of them. You become a nurse, a teacher, a chauffeur, a cook, a maid, a handyman, a counselor, and so many other things. On top of that many of us are working and going to school. It’s quite the balancing act and there has been more than one occasion when I’ve found my face buried in a pillow wondering how in the world I was going to make it through one more day, but somehow we just do it.
Things seemed so much easier when there were two of you. You helped lift each other’s load. You could trade off some of the daily responsibilities, when you are single you don’t have that option, you just do it because there is no one else there to take care of it for you. You are constantly making sacrifices. You don’t get “me time” anymore, there just isn’t time for it between taking the kids to soccer practice, getting them off to school, helping them get homework done, getting dinner made, and getting the kids all ready for bed only to start all over the next morning. Are you overwhelmed yet? The list is never ending. As exhausting as being a single-parent is I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Being a single-parent gave me the opportunity to have one on one time with my son that I may not have had otherwise. Our relationship has grown closer and closer because we’ve learned to depend on each other. We face all of our struggles together as a team, “Logan and Mommy.” My decisions are based on what is best for the team. There will be hard times ahead, that’s how we learn and grow in this life, but we know that we will make it through anything that comes our way because we will always have each other.